Report- Dominate Your Year

Why It’s Important to Set Goals
Setting Goals Empowers You
Setting Goals Improves Your Self-Esteem
Setting Goals Changes Your Reality
Setting Goals is Good for Your Health
Discover What You Really Want
Overcoming Disappointment and Setbacks
Discover What You Want from Life
Wants and Needs
How to Discover Your “Big Why”
Decide What You Want in Life
Brainstorming Your Goals
Your Mind Creates your Experiences
Creating the Right Mindset
Create Highly Charged Goals
Condensing Your Goals
Possible Challenges
The Power of Anchors
Create Your Goal Anchor
Establish a Deadline for Each Goal
Regrouping Your Goals
Long-Term Goals
Medium-Term Goals
Short-Term Goals
Set Deadlines for Each Condensed Goal
The Power of Affirmations
How To Program Your Mind for Success
Programming Your Subconscious Mind
Creating Powerful Affirmations
Converting Your Condensed Goals into Affirmations
Overcoming Negative Thoughts with Affirmations
Using Creative Visualization
Controlling Your Mind
Plan for Accelerated Success
Creating an Action Plan
Harnessing the Power of Mind Mapping
Create a Mind Map for Each Goal
Consistent Daily Actions
How To Be a High Performer
Peak Performance vs. High Performance
Daily Planning
Block Out Time for Your Goals
Winning Back Time
Create a Daily Success Planner
Increasing Your Energy and Focus
Creating Change in Your Environment Through Action
Overcome Limiting Beliefs
Your Achievements Aren’t Defined by Your Circumstances
The Power of Belief
Question your Beliefs
Overcoming Your Conditioning
Changing your Life
Uncover and Overcome your Limiting Beliefs
Bringing it all Together
Do’s and Don’ts
It’s Time for you to Make a Decision
Deciding to set goals is one of the most important things you can do to improve your life. However, nearly 98% of people take the time to set clear goals for themselves in their life.
It’s essential for you to think about where you want to be, whether it’s in one month, one year, or one decade from today.
Taking the time to identify where you want to be is the best way to make sure you are going in the right direction and help you avoid pursuing goals that don’t excite you.
Those who don’t set goals for their life may not believe that they have any control over their lives, leading them to wander through life heavily influenced by the people and circumstance that surround them. They give their power over to the environment rather than using it to create the experiences they genuinely desire. This results in them achieving less than if they would have taken the time to set specific goals and plan their lives.
However, it is important to remember that merely having goals isn’t enough. Something that can be just as bad as not having any goals in life have unclear goals that are not aligned with what you want out of your life. Unfortunately, many of the people who take the time to set goals, spend years in single-minded pursuit of a single goal, only to achieve it with the sudden realization that it isn’t want they genuinely wanted.
Setting specific goals is one of the best decisions you can make in your life. Learning to set the right goals will allow you to tap into your intrinsic motivation, live autonomy, mastery, or purpose, and put you on the right path for uncovering your hidden potential.
This book will help you define your goals, as well as the kind of life you want to create. It will help you set goals that will inspire you and make you want to leap out of bed every morning. You might be intimidated about setting goals at first, but you’ll discover that the journey is more than worth it in the long run.
Why It’s Important to Set Goals
Setting goals gives direction to your subconscious mind, helping you to achieve your goals. They give you a path in life. However, setting vague goals like “I want to make more money,” or “I want to live a happy life,” won’t end up leading you to a fulfilling life. Your subconscious is a powerful machine, and gaining an understanding of how it works is a big part of setting goals that are successful. Maxwell Maltz, the author of Psycho-Cybernetics, explains how setting goals gives your subconscious mind direction.
“Your automatic creative mechanism is teleological. That is, it operates in terms of goals and end results. Once you give it a definite goal to achieve, you can depend upon its automatic guidance system to take you to that goal much better than “you” ever could by conscious thought. “You” supply the goal by thinking in terms of end results. Your automatic mechanism then supplies the means,”
Your subconscious mind behaves similarly to GPS; it is continuously scanning the environment around you for the information relevant to the details you’ve given it. This is why setting goals that are clear will provide you with a higher chance of accomplishing them. A strong signal is sent to your subconscious mind, allowing it to unleash its power of focusing on looking for opportunities to achieve the goal.
Setting Goals Empowers You
When you begin setting your own goals, in all significant areas of your life, rather than letting someone else set them for you, you stop giving your power away. When you set goals for your relationships, finances, career, health, and personal life, you begin to take your control back and become more empowered. You begin to make the conscious choice to become the creator of your own life and start to take responsibility for every single aspect of your life.
Taking the time to figure out your goals for your future will make a significant impact in your life. What would you do differently today if you knew how much you wanted to make in five years, where you wanted to be in twenty-five years, or how long you wanted to live?
Setting Goals Improves Your Self-Esteem
When you set clear goals, you can begin to improve your self-esteem. Having clear goals and knowing what you need to do to accomplish those goals not only builds your self-esteem but reinforces it as well. Part of our self-esteem, according to Nathaniel Branden, author of ‘The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem,’ comes from a disposition to experience ourselves as competent to cope with life’s challenges. This means that with every goal that you accomplish, you will feel better equipped to deal with other goals and problems in life.
One of the best predictors of personal happiness is directly related to high self-esteem. Consistently accomplishing the goals you set for yourself is one of the most efficient ways to build your self-esteem.
Setting Goals Changes Your Reality
Regardless of whether you achieve them or not, setting goals is a valuable process. When you set goals, it gives you the opportunity to think about your future, allows you to reflect on your values, and helps you to discover what really matters to you. Setting goals will bring you clarity and will enable you to see the bigger picture.
As soon as you begin setting clear goals, you will begin to reconstruct your reality and start to realize that the dreams you previously believed to be unattainable are in fact achievable. This process starts when you start identifying your actual goals, no matter how ambitious. This begins the process of being able to overcome your limiting beliefs that stem from past experiences. Your prior limiting beliefs make it more difficult for you to obtain the life you want and deserve. As you begin working on your goals, you’ll quickly start to realize just how restrictive limiting beliefs are and you will figure out just how many of them are as a result of repetitive messages that you receive from friends, family, and the media.
Finally, setting clear goals will provide you with the chance to assess your current situation and will help lead you to close the gap between where you currently are and where you want to be.
Setting Goals is Good for Your Health
One of life’s best medicines is setting goals that excite you and can be good for your overall health. In fact, having a life’s purpose is one of the nine common characteristics shared by people that live to one hundred. On the opposite end, those who no longer have exciting goals that motivate them, often die within a few years after retirement. This is especially true for individuals who heavily identified with their job.
Many people don’t want to set goals because they are afraid of failing to achieve them. However, people who set goals consistently and are unfailing in their pursuit to realize those goals understand that every time they set a new goal, they are creating a better life. They are making a compelling new cause, resulting in a more fulfilled and happy life.
Unfortunately, too many people allow fear, lack of understanding, and temporary setbacks to keep them from achieving their dreams. What they fail to understand is that achieving their goals is a lot easier than they think. Setting goals and taking the appropriate steps to achieve those goals allows you to create the future that you want.
Discover What You Really Want
Now that you know why it is so important to set clear goals, it’s time to discover what you really want. Most people, when setting goals, don’t take the time to do this because they don’t really know what it is they want. This can be a problem because if you’re not sure what it is you want, chances are high that you will drift through life and not achieve much.
With our incredibly hectic lives, this is understandable. By the end of the day, you may be thoroughly exhausted, making the thought of planning your life’s goals the last thing on your mind. By the time you get to the weekend, you may be so exhausted from your week, that thinking about what you want from your life has taken a back burner. Life can be difficult, and when you’ve had numerous disappointments along the way, it can be hard to believe that you would be able to achieve all the dreams that you had as a child.
The good news is that discovering what you want to achieve in your life is really easy, even if you’re not sure what you want right now. When you know what it is you want from life, you’re chances of achieving it increase. Many people know exactly what they want in their lives and can achieve even their most prominent dreams as a result.
Overcoming Disappointment and Setbacks
For many people, by the time they’ve reached their late 20s, they’ve closed down their own ability to dream big because they’ve had so many disappointments and setbacks in their life.
During our childhood, life can seem full of amazing possibilities, and we are excited about what the future holds. However, the harsh realities of life can often knock us down. Relationships that didn’t turn out as we had hoped, careers that went wrong, illnesses, and numerous other disappointments are all a part of growing up and learning that life isn’t always a bed of roses
The challenges we face in our life can enable us to become stronger, wiser, and more capable individuals, or they can cause us to become disillusioned, disempowered, and disappointed in our life. The disappointments we encounter in our life, condition us to believe that we will face even more challenges in the future.
Unfortunately, we often experience what we think may happen.
In chapter nine, you will learn how to overcome these self-limiting beliefs, so that you can begin dreaming big again and start making exciting plans for your future. If you know exactly what it is you want to achieve in your life, congratulations, you’re one of the very few individuals who know what they truly desire.
For those who don’t know what they want, you may not be consciously aware of your life’s most significant goals. To start figuring out what you want from life, follow this simple exercise.
Discover What You Want from Life
The first step to discovering what you want from life is to consider your life and record all the things that cause you to suffer. Write down everything that creates pain for you on some level. This could include things like your career, your income, your relationships, your health, your weight, your emotions, your family, and a variety of other issues.
Next, you want to transform these problems into concrete goals. To do this, merely convert each issue into its complete opposite. For example, if you always seem to end up in unhappy relationships, you can create a goal to begin having deep, fulfilling, lasting relationships from now on. You can quickly create goals to achieve the opposite of what you are experiencing currently in your life. Simply for the very reason that you are presently suffering from each of these areas in your life means you can transform them into powerful goals that will motivate you to create the change in your life that you desire.
Absolutely anything that has been causing you pain, especially if it’s been going on for a while, can be transformed into its opposite to create a powerful new goal.
You may think that it’s impossible to change, especially if the problem has been going on for years, or that it may be too hard to transform. You may be thinking, “It’s never changed before, so why would I even consider that it might change in the future?” It’s natural to be pessimistic, especially when you’ve never seen any evidence that it’s possible to change. Many people hold themselves back because of what they believe or don’t believe.
The information in chapter nine will show you some powerful tools and techniques that you can use to overcome your self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back. You will also discover how to open up your faith in the possibility of a great future.
Wants and Needs
Everyone has desires, and desires can be incredibly motivating, but they can also quickly get out of control and can drive us in ways that can be detrimental to our health and well-being. A sincere desire to help others can change the world. However, the constant desire for more money and material possessions can be destructive and unfulfilling.
Desire can be a very powerful creative force that pushes us to get out of bed in the morning, to eat, sleep, and work to pay for everything you want and to look after your family. Even your ability to read, relax, watch a movie or listen to music is a product of your desire.
Your entire life is a reflection and expression of what you desire. To avoid your desires becoming destructive, it is essential to understand the difference between what we want and what we need for our survival. It is crucial that you know that your needs are entirely different from your wants.
A need is something that is important for us to live in a way that allows us to truly enrich our lives and that may also contribute to other’s happiness. It supports our life at a profound level. This includes food, shelter, clothing, security, fulfilling relationships, new experiences, and a variety of other things.
Wants are things that you don’t genuinely need. They are things that you can survive without or things that don’t make your truly happy. You may think that getting a bigger house, owning an expensive car, or living a life of abundance and endless free time will make you happy. However, there is no guarantee that achieving these kinds of goals will make your life truly fulfilling.
You can feel successful and wealthy without having any trinkets to prove to yourself that you are rich and successful. This doesn’t mean you should fake it until you make it. Instead, it is essential to start working to overcome low self-esteem and gradually improve your self-worth. Your environment will begin to reflect this inner change, and you will start to find external opportunities that will help you to improve your finances and increase your material possessions.
When you create a big goal for your life, it’s essential to discover the real, underlying reason why you want to achieve that goal being completely honest with yourself. Uncovering your “Big Why” will give you a powerful motivating force that will drive your life in the direction that you both need and want.
How to Discover Your “Big Why”
When you desire something, it’s important to ask yourself whether you need it or whether you just want it. You need to try to figure out if you’re just avoiding some form of inner change or lack of self-esteem. You need to ask yourself the following questions:
Do you need it to achieve something genuinely worthwhile?
Is it something that can contribute to the happiness of others?
Looking at your desires in this way is extremely helpful, especially if you are setting big goals for your life.
Remember to ask yourself these questions when you’re setting your goals.
Completing the following exercise can help you determine if you truly need something to achieve your life’s overall plan or if it is merely something that you want.
On a piece of paper, write out each of your goals and add the words “so that” after each one. Next, you want to fill in the reason after the words “so that”to bring you an even deeper understanding of what you want.
Keep going by adding more “so that’s” until you figure your single motivating reason for your goal.
When you drill down through each of your goals in this way, getting to the “Big Why,” you become filled with a more profound sense of purpose, energy, connection, and passion. These are the feeling that you’re after because they are extremely helpful in transforming your goals into reality. Goals become truly unstoppable when they are fueled by a burning desire or powerful motivating force.
After doing this exercise, you may discover that some of your goals don’t have a “Big Why” and that they really aren’t as meaningful as you first thought. You may find that these particular goals are doing nothing more than helping you to avoid something you don’t want to face.
Doing this exercise fully can help you to avoid wasting your time and energy on goals that aren’t as important as you first thought. It can also help you to inject more passion and energy into the goals that you discover are truly worthwhile, putting you on the fast track to achieving them.
Decide What You Want in Life
The first step for crushing your goals and reaching new heights is to decide what you want in life. Unfortunately, many people aren’t clear about what they want. Life is hectic, and very few people take the time to plan their lives thoroughly. However, this step is crucial if you’re going to live a life of deep meaning and purpose.
If you don’t know what you want to achieve in life, you need to take the time to look at all the things in your life that are causing you some form of suffering or dissatisfaction, as discussed in chapter two.
If you’re disappointed and frustrated with your job or relationship, or if you are dissatisfied with your weight or health, you can change these things when you set your goals and take consistent daily action.
Anything that causes you to suffer can be transformed into an important goal, one that is the complete opposite of what you’ve been facing. A lack of clarity is responsible for most of the disappointments in life. If you aren’t clear about what you want, then the chances of you drifting through life are high. Exploring your dissatisfactions in life can help you to come up with crystal clear goals.
We’ve all seen cases of people drifting through life, achieving very little, and being deeply unhappy and disillusioned. For most of these cases, this is a direct result of not having a clear direction. People who have very little desire in their lives achieve very little.
Some ancient philosophies in the Far East focused on extinguishing desires because it was believed that people would stop suffering. However, desire is a fundamental and vital aspect of all life. A strong desire is essential to survive in the world, and it is an essential element in bringing all your goals to fruition.
If you take the time to study the world’s most successful people, you see that all their success started with conscious, crystal clear goal that was fueled by desire. You have to feel emotionally connected to your goals or they will be powerless and difficult for you to achieve.
The first step to achieving any of your goals is to become crystal clear on exactly what it is you want and have a strong desire to achieve it.
Brainstorming Your Goals
To get a better understanding and clarity of what you want, write out a list of all the things that you would like to achieve during your lifetime. There is no set order that you must follow; the objective is to write down as many goals as possible.
If you find goals later that you don’t feel are particularly important, it’s okay to cross them off your list. This goes for goals that you’re not emotionally connected to as well.
You also want to remember to create goals for the major areas of your life, so you don’t leave out anything that is important.
You want to create:
Financial goals
Career goals
Relationship goals
Family goals
Health goals
Personal growth goals
It is important not to rush through this brainstorming session. You may want to have several different brainstorming sessions over time to make sure you include everything. It is essential to come up with a long list of things that you want to achieve throughout your life.
Your Mind Creates your Experiences
Everything that you think, believe, and feel affect your actions, which in turn affect the results you experience during your life. You can waste a lot of your energy and time trying to change your external circumstances, but if you don’t change your inner life, then your results may be significantly less than you expected.
Changing what you believe to be true, how you think, and how you feel will give you the power to truly steer your life in any direction that you desire and it will provide you with the ability to achieve the life you deserve.
Creating the Right Mindset
The quality of your thoughts will determine the quality of your life. You and you alone are responsible for what you allow into your mind. It does you no good to think and worry about things that you have no control over. Overcoming worrying requires action. You can’t do anything useful if you have no control over a particular situation, so you shouldn’t waste your time thinking about it.
Unfortunately, criticisms and negative thoughts have a stronger impact on your life than positive thoughts and praise. Whether you like it or not, your dominant thoughts, emotions, and beliefs draw into your life positive and negative experiences. This is why it is so important for you to spend your time focusing on positive thoughts as opposed to negative ones. They play a large part indetermining what you can and cannot achieve in your life and take the time to fill your mind with positive thoughts will ultimately cause your brain to generate more of them.
When you learn to control your inner life, you will be better able to develop the ability to create what you want. The only control you have in your life are the beliefs that you hold, the thoughts that you think, and the actions and reactions you choose. Changing your life can only be achieved when you control these things.
When you learn how to control your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, you will have the power to move in any direction that you wish and achieve your biggest dreams. They determine that actions that you take throughout your life, which in turn define the rest of your experiences. What you believe and think are directly related to how easily and quickly you can achieve your goals.
When setting your goals, it is important to remember that your thoughts and emotions will affect your physical environment, even without you physically manipulating anything.
Create Highly Charged Goals
Emotion is a powerful catalyst for achieving your goals faster. How you feel about your goals will determine everything, so it’s essential that you set goals that truly excite you, those that motivate you and that stretch your life.
When you’ve found your “Big Why” for each of your goals, those goals are given more power, which allows you to achieve them more easily. Drilling down on your bigger goals to find the “Big Why” enables you to see whether they are significant to you, or if they are merely being used to help you avoid something you don’t want to deal with.
Once you’ve decided what you really want, you’ll start to create highly charged goals. You’ll combine several of your goals that are closely related into a single, new condensed goal. The new condensed goal will contain a powerful motivating factor (PMF). A PMF goal merely is one that greatly excites you and that you very strongly want to achieve.
Along with creating a PMF, you’ll learn how to create a goal anchor (GA) that will bring a higher emotional energy to your goals. This will result in establishing highly charged goals. Highly-charged goals are unstoppable and can begin a chain of events that will help you reach your goals.
It is critical to emotionalize your goals with high energy to achieve them faster and more efficiently.
Condensing Your Goals
PMFs and the “Big Why” are very similar in that they are both about uncovering and using strong emotions as catalysts from achieving your goals. The difference between the two is that while you are drilling down your goals to discover your “Big Why,” you are creating PMFs to empower the goals you set.
This step in setting your goals requires you to combine your list of goals that you created during your brainstorming sessions as discussed in Chapter Three, so you can group goals that are similar together or goals that can help support each other. It is essential that while you’re arranging these goals, you make sure that at least one of them is extremely important to you and that it contains a lot of desire or emotional charge. This becomes your PMF.
For example, you might have a goal that is the deep desire to travel more. This would be your PMF. Another one of your goals might be to have more free time, and another one to earn more money, in a job that you love.
These can all be grouped together into one concise, more powerful condensed goal.
Separate Goals
Travel more (PMF)
Have more free time
Make more money
Work in a job you love
Condensed Goal
I will find a new job that I love, that will pay me more than [x amount] each month, and that will give me more free time so that I can travel as much as I want.
The separate goals that are similar have been condensed into a single goal, with a PMF. The PMF is the sincere desire to travel more, which has been linked to the other three goals.
When a PMF is present in each of your goals, they become more powerful and far more energized. They become highly charged goals that can invoke feelings of excitement. Goals that truly excite you and that motivate you into action are what you are looking to develop.
You may be starting to realize that some parts of your condensed goals are dependent on other parts of the target being achieved first. This isn’t something that you need to worry about because you can modify and reorder your goals at a later time if you feel they are not being optimized correctly for your current priorities.
It is also possible that over time your priorities might change and you could no longer feel strongly about certain parts of your condensed goals. That’s alright too. If this happens, you can adjust your direction and modify your condensed goals to meet your needs.
However, when changing your condensed goals, you need to be deeply honest with yourself and ask yourself if you really want to change direction, or are you changing your goals because you are starting to doubt your ability to achieve them? If you wish to change your goals because you doubt you’ll be able to achieve them, you are allowing self-limiting beliefs to derail your goals. In chapter four, you’ll learn how to counteract these limiting beliefs using mind programming methods. It is never a good idea to change your goals frequently because it could slow down your progress greatly.
Possible Challenges
You may find that condensing some of your goals to be difficult, particularly if they are short-term goals that you are hoping to achieve within a next few months. It is possible to condense short-term goals by considering all the benefits you will experience when you achieve it.
One of your short-term goals might be to improve the relationship with your mother, as it has turned sour, then the benefits of achieving this goal are numerous. By healing the relationship, you and your mother will be happier, and you will be able to once again share your lives with one another. Your children will get to spend more time with their grandmother. You may even be able to spend the holidays together again and support each other like before.
All of these benefits from achieving your short-term goal are actually goals as well, and could contain a PMF like this:
 Fix relationship with your mother (PMF)
 Be more trusting – benefit
 More family fun – benefit
 Spend the holidays together – benefit
You can write your condensed goal like this:
By the end of the year, I will have taken steps to improve my relationship with my mother, so that we can regain our trust in each other, and so my children can spend time with their grandmother and can spend holidays together again.
Even with your short-term goals, you can create condensed goals with a PMF by looking at all the benefits you will gain when you achieve the goals. Condensing your short-term goals will help to greatly energize them, resulting in you being able to reach them quickly.
The Power of Anchors
Gratitude is an extremely powerful tool when it comes to achieving your goals. When you tap into the power of gratitude, you start to feel differently and can see solutions to your problems that may not have been obvious to you before.
As your dominant thoughts and emotions begin to shift, your environment will start to reflect those changes in the form of opportunities and synchronicities that allow you to transform your situation completely.
The best way to do this is to remember the feeling of gratitude every 30 minutes. An easier way to tap into your powerful positive emotions whenever you want is to use the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) method known as anchoring.
The anchoring technique is based on the experiment performed by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov. The simple test used the dogs in his lab to study conditioning. Whenever Pavlov feed the dogs, he signaled the arrival of the food by ringing a bell. He soon noticed that the dogs automatically started to salivate when the bell rang, even if no food was delivered to them. The ringing of the bell became the anchor that triggered the dogs to become excited and begin to salivate at the prospect of eating.
Create Your Goal Anchor
Just like Pavlov’s dogs, you can create your own anchor that will allow you to have any feeling you want at any time with a specific touch, word, or gesture to trigger the anchor. Creating a goal anchor will help you to speed up achieving your goals. By using a simple tool every day, you will be able to emotionalize and empower every goal you set.
The first step in creating your goal anchor is to think back to times in your past when you experienced deep gratitude or felt truly happy, or when anything seemed possible. Write down as many of these experiences that you can recall, using just a few words to describe them.
Next, you want to choose the top three experiences that contain the most positive emotional energy. Bring these three experiences to mind and fully engage with each of the memories. Try to remember what you heard, saw, smelt, and the feelings you experienced. Try and relive it as vividly as you can.
Next, choose the one experience that contains the most substantial amount of happiness, gratitude, and positive emotions, crossing the other two off your list. Take a few minutes to focus on the one experience you chose and once again recall it in even more detail. Fully engage with the memory, allowing the feelings of joy, gratitude, and fulfillment to build within you.
You should now be overflowing with positive emotions, and it is now that you want to set your anchor. To set your anchor, touch the first finger and your thumb together and squeeze them gently together. Moving forward, when you want to trigger your goal anchor you simply have to squeeze your first finger and thumb together to bring up the same powerful feelings.
Establish a Deadline for Each Goal
After completing the first two steps of the process, creating a list of goals and then condensing them, you should now have a shorter list of goals that excite you and that you are strongly connected to.
Strong motivation and excitement are crucial factors when it comes to achieving your goals, and can help to significantly speed up the achievement of these goals. The strong feelings you’ve developed can also help you to overcome challenges and setbacks that you may experience while working to achieve your goals.
The next step in this process is regrouping your goals into short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals and giving each of your goals a deadline.
Regrouping Your Goals
An important part of being able to achieve your goals is regrouping them into realistic time frames.
A short-term goal is one that you think you can achieve in the next three months. These goals may require some effort to accomplish, making it important for you to be realistic and work within your current realm of possibilities. As your confidence grows, and you start seeing the benefits working for you, you can begin stretching your life more and setting bigger, short-term goals.
When you begin regrouping your goals, you want to start with your long-term goals and work backward to the present. This will allow you to discover more medium-term goals and short-term goals that you will need to achieve to bring your long-term goals to fruition.
Long-Term Goals
Your long-term goals are ones that you want to achieve in the next five to ten years and beyond. Write down anywhere between one and five long-term goals. This list should include your biggest goals, ones that may take a while to achieve and that may require you to achieve other goals first.
When you begin achieving your short-term and medium-term goals more quickly, you may discover that some of these long-term goals can actually be placed in your medium-term goals list.
This is as a result of you being able to achieve your goals quickly, and realizing that you can accomplish any goal that you set for yourself.
Medium-Term Goals
Medium-term goals are ones that you believe you can achieve within a year. Write down one to five goals that you want to accomplish over the next year. These are substantial goals that may take some time for you to accomplish and that may require you to learn new skills. These are not goals that require you to change your lifestyle to achieve.
Short-Term Goals
Finally, create a list of your short-term goals, ones that you would like to achieve in the next three months. You need to be realistic about the goals that you place on this list. They need to be achievable, but not necessarily easy to achieve.
You want to include goals that will stretch you slightly, and that show you when you have achieved them. This will help to build your confidence in achieving your goals, resulting in your ability to achieve more substantial medium- and long-term goals in the future.
It is important to remember not to set crazy, unrealistic short-term goals. Doing this will only set you up for failure and disappointment. It could even have serious negative side effects on your mental well-being.
Set Deadlines for Each Condensed Goal
At this point, you need to set a specific date for when you want to achieve your condensed goals. This is extremely important because the deadlines that you set are what gives your goals a completion point. It helps to enhance whatever sense of urgency you’ve already assigned to your goals.
While setting dates for your long-term goals may be difficult to decide, setting what you believe to be a realistic deadline can be beneficial, creating a powerful effect on your subconscious mind. Setting deadlines for all of your goals commands your subconscious mind to bring you the results you want, by a specific date.
Your subconscious needs specific instructions if it is to work on your behalf and bring you the results you desire. When it has specifics to focus on, it has the power to begin affecting your thoughts and feelings, motivating you to take specific actions at specific times.
The Power of Affirmations
You can influence your subconscious mind through repetition and intense emotion. When you repeat the same thoughts, especially when they are attached to strong emotions, you can reprogram your subconscious mind according to those feelings and thoughts.
One of the most common techniques used by the most successful people in the world to achieve their goals is positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are simply empowering statements that you repeat to yourself, out loud, with emotion in the mornings and evenings.
Affirmations are extremely powerful and can help you completely rewrite your internal programming and eliminate any negative beliefs that you may already possess, beliefs that have been sabotaging your goals. You can use these affirmations to reprogram your mind for happiness, confidence, empowerment and greater wealth.
How To Program Your Mind for Success
For you to achieve your goals, you have to program your mind so that your success becomes automatic. You need your subconscious to continually steer your life in the right direction while overcoming the challenges that are holding you back.
Using affirmations is one of the most effective ways to program your mind. Every thought that you have, and every word that you speak is an affirmation. Your internal dialogue is a continual flow of declarations and has a dramatic impact on your life. The things that you repeatedly say to yourself and think, which creates your
beliefs and your life experiences, especially when they contain strong emotions.
Many of the beliefs you hold are thought patterns that you developed in childhood. Some of these may work for you, while others are working against you. If you don’t change these negative beliefs and thoughts, they can be extremely destructive, and sabotage the efforts you make in achieving your goals. By the end of this chapter, you will have learned how to create powerful affirmations that will reprogram your mind for success.
Programming Your Subconscious Mind
To help you achieve your goals, you need to reprogram your subconscious mind. Using affirmations can help you achieve this. The more you repeat something with emotion, the more it will affect your subconscious mind, and the more successful you are in doing this, the more opportunities your subconscious mind will find that may have otherwise escaped your notice. These new opportunities can bring you closer to achieving your goals.
Your subconscious mind is unlimited in what it can do for you. It is what connects you to the universe and is more powerful than a supercomputer. It can work miracles in every area of your life, helping you to achieve everything you desire.
It is important, however, that you know how to use this power correctly for it to bring you the results you want. Unless you are speaking the same language as your subconscious, all your efforts will be ineffective. Your subconscious has its own unique language, and you have to understand a small part of this language if you want to be successful in achieving your goals.
Repetition and strong emotions are a part of the language that your subconscious understands, as well as being influenced by visualization. Repeatedly visualizing what you want and attaching it to a strong desire, will allow your subconscious mind to help you create everything you desire.
Creating Powerful Affirmations
The first step in creating powerful affirmation is rewriting each of your short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals into affirmations. The affirmations you create will influence your mind and bring you exactly what you want. These are positive empowering affirmations that you will say aloud to yourself every day.
To get the most out of your affirmations, you want to read them aloud while triggering your goal anchor, that you created in chapter four. Your goal anchor will add the strong, positive emotions you need to achieve your goals. Creating powerful affirmations based on your goals will help you reprogram your thoughts, replacing the harmful underlying beliefs with more positive ones about yourself and your capabilities.
Affirmations are one the most powerful and effective methods for influencing your subconscious mind, and they are easy to create.
To be really useful, you need to create your affirmations, making sure to:
Use the word “I” to make it personal
Use “I am” to be in the present tense
Be positive
Be specific
Include at least one dynamic feeling word such as “grateful.”
Include an action word, like “growing” or “enjoying.”
Be clear, concise, and easy to remember
Converting Your Condensed Goals into Affirmations
It’s now time for you to convert all your goals into powerful affirmations that will help to reprogram your mind and help you achieve your goals. Here is an example of a powerful affirmation from the condensed goal created in chapter four.
Travel more (PMF)
Have more free time
Make more money
Work in a job you love
Condensed Goal
I will find a new job that I love, that will pay me more than [x amount] each month, and that will give me more free time so that I can travel as much as I want.
This condensed goal can easily be converted into a powerful affirmation that will reprogram your mind to easily achieve it in less time.
I am making [x amount] each month, working in a job that I love, having lots of time to travel to all the places that I want.
It is important to be as specific as possible when creating your affirmation because your subconscious mind needs specifics to work with to get you the best results.
Overcoming Negative Thoughts with Affirmations
Affirmations are also extremely valuable in counteracting the negative, self-limiting beliefs and thoughts that you are currently holding on to about yourself, your life, and your capabilities.
For example, if you feel like a failure, you can repeat the following affirmation to help you overcome this negative thought, “I possess all the qualities that I need to be very successful.” Even though you might not believe this right now, saying this affirmation regularly, while triggering your goal anchor, will allow you to begin to begin to feel its powerful effects on your daily outlook on life.
When repeating your affirmations out loud with emotion every day, it’s essential to remember to visualize and emotionalize them, making them more effective. You need to think of them as though you’ve already achieved the goal. The effects will be more powerful when you work up strong feelings of achievement and gratitude, bringing up these feelings with your goal anchor.
Using Creative Visualization
As you read your affirmations aloud while triggering your goal anchor, it is also vital for you to visualize your experiences as you achieve your goals. You want to feel the sense of joy, empowerment, fulfillment and gratitude that you will experience when you have finally reached your goals.
You want to work yourself into a state where you can almost reach out and touch these experiences as if they were currently unfolding. The more clearly you can use your emotions and senses to do this, the better the outcome. You can use your goal anchor to charge your visualizations with emotional energy, making them more powerful.
When you add visualization to your daily affirmations, you are speaking the language your subconscious understands, and you are commanding it to create the opportunities you need to achieve your goals.
Combining your daily affirmations with creative visualization is an extremely effective method for achieving your goals.
Controlling Your Mind
The only real control that you have over your life is your capability to control your mind and how you react to the changing circumstance in your life. If you want to change your life in a significant way, you have to be able to change the way you think.
It is impossible to achieve big goals if you are a negative thinker. Changing your self-image and attitude is a lot easier than you might think. Learning how to show gratitude for the things in your life can help you begin to change your way of thinking and your life.
This is because gratitude is like a giant magnet. It draws opportunities into your life to help you achieve your goals, allowing you to create a truly happy life.
The human brain is extremely powerful and is connected to infinite wisdom that you can summon when needed. Right now, you have all the resources you need to change your situation, overcome any challenges, and become capable of achieving whatever your heart desires. Never let your present circumstances define who you are and what you want to become.
Plan for Accelerated Success
If you are like many people, you may continue to set goals, but fail to achieve them, because you haven’t adequately planned for your success. Just like if you don’t have clearly defined goals, not properly planning can leave you drifting through life.
If you don’t develop a plan to achieve your goals, then you will be relying on nothing but luck, and have no guarantee that you will achieve your goals. You simply cannot achieve any of your substantial goals if you haven’t developed an adequate plan.
Creating an Action Plan
For each of the goals that you’ve determined, you need to create an action plan. Your action plan will consist of all the steps that you will need to take to achieve your goals. While you may not know all the steps that you will need to make, it is still important to write down as many actions that you can. Later, you can add more steps to your plan as they become more apparent to you.
To begin creating an action plan, you need to examine your goals and figure out the steps you need to take to accomplish them. For example, if you are planning on starting a new career as a writer, there are several things you need to include in your action plan.
Partial Action Plan for Becoming a Writer
Take a creative writing course to improve your skills as a writer
Read books in your genre to determine the best writing style
Learn how successful authors achieved their success
Spend two hours a day writing, eliminating interruptions
Find out what publishers are looking for in a successful book
Each of the actions steps you develop are essentially mini-goals. Some of these mini-goals may need to be completed in a specific order, while others might be able to be implemented with others.
Achieving meaningful and worthwhile goals takes careful planning. When you pay attention to the small details, you can quickly achieve your goals. As you begin to write things down, your mind will promptly start to organize itself, allowing you to find new ideas that you may not have previously considered.
Harnessing the Power of Mind Mapping
A great tool that you can use to help you when brainstorming your action steps is mind mapping. Mind mapping is a way for getting your ideas and thoughts out on paper and can help you think creatively and logically to come up with new ideas.
Mind mapping helps you map out your thoughts to gain more significant insights into the plan that you are developing. It helps to stimulate your brain to think in new and creative ways.
When you create a mind map, you are creating a highly organized map that is ideally in line with the natural way in which your brain works. With mind mapping, you can put your ideas down in any order as you think of them, and reorder them later to make more sense.
You want to start with the goal that you want to achieve. This is your central idea. From there, you can branch out from the goal to all the steps that you will need to take to achieve your goal. Your key thoughts in your thinking process are the main branches that lead from your central idea, while your secondary thoughts about your key thoughts are represented by secondary branches.
Create a Mind Map for Each Goal
Now that you know how vital mind mapping is for developing your action plan, you need to start creating a mind map for each of your goals. The process is a powerful way for you to discover the steps you need to complete to achieve each of your goals.
As you progress toward achieving your goals, you want to remember to revisit the mind maps that you created to see if there are any new steps that you need to take. Most mind maps will be in a constant state of flux as you being to think of new ideas.
Consistent Daily Actions
Along with creating a mind map, you need to take consistent daily actions toward your goals if you want to be successful in achieving them. Small, regular, daily actions will mount up to massive results over time because they act as a bridge to the future you want.
Many people start a great plan but quickly abandon it at the first hurdle they encounter. So, it is important to commit to yourself that you will not be someone who gives up at the first setback. To get the maximum results from a minimum amount of effort, you have to take consistent daily actions toward your goals.
Merely taking a single small step every day over the course of a year can add up to a lot of progress toward achieving your biggest goals.
How To Be a High Performer
One of the main reasons that many people don’t achieve their life’s biggest goals is because they put off to a later time what they can do today. Unfortunately, time passes and that later time rarely arrives, leaving you full of frustration and disappointment.
You have a choice, you can either try and achieve your goals the hard, slow, painful way by not utilizing a system for achieving your goals, or you can use your time wisely to transform your life in creative and unusual new ways.
The world’s most successful people, use daily routines and habits to move them toward achieving their goals and finding success consistently. These practices and daily routines are what separate the high performers from those who waste valuable time and procrastinate.
Peak Performance vs. High Performance
It is important to understand the difference between peak performers and high performers as you begin your journey to crushing your goals. People who focus their time and energy on peak performance are looking to win once, but find that they can’t sustain this state over an extended period, with a decline in performance after the desired state has been reached.
High performance, on the other hand, isn’t about working faster or harder or becoming adept at multitasking. The high-performance techniques you’ll learn in this chapter will help you to achieve excellent results for each area of your life consistently. The methods will also help you reduce the stress in your life while enhancing your health and increasing your feelings of well-being.
Daily Planning
One of the simplest and most effective secrets of high performers is their commitment to planning their daily activities. They know that by consistently planning their activities for the day, they will get the best results from their efforts.
Planning your daily activities will allow you to make the most of your time and will enable you to get the same results as high performers. Your daily routine will ensure you are always moving forward and taking the actions necessary for achieving your goals.
Block Out Time for Your Goals
If you want to be able to achieve a lot more in your life, you need to start blocking out a certain amount of time during your day where you are focusing solely on achieving your goals. Without this, your progress toward achieving your goals will be much slower.
If you don’t block out this time, leaving everything to chance, you will find that time will quickly slip by you, never allowing you to work on the actions steps you determined for achieving your goals. Unless you purposely block out the time, you will never get the time to work toward your goals.
During the time that you are working on your goals, you need to minimize distractions. This means turning off your phone, closing down your email, and logging off your social media accounts.
Winning Back Time
You may mistakenly believe that you don’t have the time to set aside to work on your goals. However, if you make small changes in your life, you can win back your time. For instance, by shutting off the TV an hour earlier than usual, you can get to bed earlier, making it easier to get up earlier to work on your goals before you head to your job.
High performers are experts at time management and don’t have any qualms about eliminating activities that don’t move them toward achieving their goals. When you first begin to manage your time more efficiently, you may feel like you’re giving up your freedom. However, you’ll soon discover that it has the opposite effect. When you eliminate those activities that aren’t benefiting you or your family, you’ll be left with what’s truly the most important.
You will find that you have more time to create and live a life you want, rather than your life being created for you. You will also be surprised by how much time you’ve now created for the activities that matter most to you and that contribute to your happiness.
Create a Daily Success Planner
Creating a daily success planner will help you to develop a routine and assist you in blocking out the time to work toward achieving your goals. The daily success planner that you produce will allow you to get more done during the day and can help you quickly transform your goals into reality.
A daily success planner will help you block out time for you to complete high-priority activities, making sure you are taking consistent actions towards accomplishing your goals. You can either create your success planner at the beginning of each day or the end of the day for the following day.
To create your daily success planner, take a sheet of paper and write down the names of three of your most important goals or projects that you are working toward. These could be your short-term, medium-term, or long-term goals or a combination of the three.
Under each of the projects, list up to five steps you need to accomplish that will help move you toward achieving your goal. If there are others involved in helping you to progress on the projects, make sure you write down their names. Next, you need to write down the list of people who are expecting to hear back from you. At the bottom of the page, write down your top priorities for the day. These are the items that you have to get done, no matter what.
It’s amazing how a simple tool like a daily success planner can be so powerful in helping you achieve your goals. It can help you create miracles in your life and will allow you to achieve anything you want.
Increasing Your Energy and Focus
How you feel has a dramatic effect on what you can achieve. When you have a clear mind, amazing things become possible. However, if you often feel sluggish, you won’t achieve as much during the day.
As you move through your day, your energy starts to become depleted, leaving you feeling tired and overly stressed by the end of the day. This is the natural rhythm of life. However, you can learn how to replenish your energy as you move through the course of your day.
High performers have found that taking short breaks throughout your day is better for your performance than multitasking. By taking short breaks, throughout your day, by the end of the day, you’ll find that you have more energy than usual, and will have also accomplished more.
Studies show that each break only needs to be between two to three minutes long, and be taken every hour.
This allows you to maintain a sustained level of high performance in all your tasks.
By taking a short break every hour, your mind can recharge and refresh, allowing you to resume your work with more focus, clarity, enthusiasm, and energy.
Creating Change in Your Environment Through Action
As you being to take action toward achieving your goals, you may begin to notice coincidences starting to happen. However, you will also invoke a different response from your environment. No matter which goal you are working toward, you have to expect to encounter challenges along the way. These challenges may at first make it seem like you are heading in the wrong direction. However, with any significant goal that you set, there will always be a certain amount of inner changes that you will have to undergo to achieve it.
When you experience challenges that stretch your life, it shows you that you are worthy of achieving that goal.
The bigger the goal you set, the bigger the challenges.
The fact is, that without these challenges, ones that force you to grow, can make it virtually impossible for you to achieve your goals. It’s the challenges that bring about the changes needed for you to accomplish anything in your life.
Overcome Limiting Beliefs
Where you are right now in life, is determined by what you believe and your own capabilities. You are the sum of your beliefs, so if your life isn’t exactly how you want it, you can blame your beliefs.
Beliefs are extremely powerful and can be what determines whether you achieve your goals or not. They can limit your choices in the present as well as what you can achieve in your future.
Everyone has limiting beliefs that are keeping them from achieving their most significant life goals. They prevent you from dreaming big and finding what you are capable of accomplishing.
They hold you back from achieving what you want in life, but, the good news is they can be changed.
It is easy for you to quickly discover what has been holding you back from accomplishing your goals and living the life you want. When you discover this, you can overcome your limiting beliefs using the tools, techniques, and strategies in this chapter.
Your Achievements Aren’t Defined by Your Circumstances
Those who take full control of their lives by choosing how they think are highly successful individuals. When you begin to question your beliefs about what you can achieve and what is possible and when you start to change how you think, your exterior reality will begin to reflect those changes.
It is important to remember that your circumstances are not responsible for defining who you are or what you can achieve. Success is a result of your mindset and is not dependent on what you have in your life. The only thing that is stopping you from achieving your goals is your current thoughts and beliefs. As soon as you start to change them, you will start to change your life and see all the possibilities before you.
The Power of Belief
Our entire outlook on life is based on the beliefs we have chosen to hold. Our whole concept of the world and where we fit in the universe is formed from our beliefs. They are the things that we’ve chosen to think are true, based on the experiences and information we have been exposed to throughout our lives. However, just because you believe something, doesn’t mean it’s real.
Your beliefs start to change as you move through life and have new experiences. When you encounter substantial evidence that your deepest-held beliefs are incorrect, it can sometimes feel as though the entire world is crumbling down around you. When your beliefs have been challenged, it can be extremely traumatic and leave you feeling lost and out of control.
We all carry beliefs that hold us back. We have been conditioned throughout our life to think specific ways, to believe certain things, and to act in specific ways. This has resulted in problems throughout the world and is the reason why extraordinary people remain powerless and unable to achieve their goals. Whether you want to believe it or not, your beliefs, emotions, and thoughts determine whether you will succeed in achieving your goals.
Question your Beliefs
Your beliefs have profound effects on your physical body and every aspect of your life. They are a mixture of empowering beliefs and disempowering beliefs and can dictate what you can and cannot achieve. At some point, you need to begin to ask yourself where your beliefs came from.
Many of your beliefs are formed through your own direct experiences and disappointments. However, many of them are also handed down to us from those around us like our parents, friends, and family. This has created a prison of the mind that is based on an inaccurate way of thinking.
You have within you many extraordinary abilities and the potential to create a life that you have always dreamed of having. Unfortunately, you also have many beliefs and thoughts that are holding you back. They are continually destroying any chance you have for success.
Overcoming Your Conditioning
If you want to achieve anything remarkable in your life, it is essential to uncover and overcome this conditioning and self-limiting beliefs. You are currently carrying around attitudes and beliefs that are keeping you from achieving your goals and living the life you want. You have to root out and uncover the conditioning that is holding your back.
There are ways you can discover the beliefs that are holding you back, and overcome the self-limiting beliefs that are keeping you from living your best life.
Changing your Life
When you start making changes within yourself, it is remarkable what can start happening. You can overcome those beliefs that are preventing you from living your life to the fullest and begin to develop a power within you that is unstoppable. Your environment will also start reflecting those changes as well.
Uncover and Overcome your Limiting Beliefs
The following exercise will help you to uncover and overcome your limiting beliefs. The first part of the activity needs to be done quickly without putting in any real thought to your answers.
You don’t need to be logical with your answers; you just want to read the sentence aloud and write down your first response as quickly as possible. No matter how crazy your thought might seem, you need to write down the idea. This exercise isn’t about coming up with logical reasons, but instead it is an exercise that needs to be done as quickly as possible without thinking, judging, or analyzing your answers.
Step One: Say the following sentence out loud: “I can’t become rich because…….”
Step Two: As quickly as you can write down the first reason you can think of for why you can’t become rich.
Step Three: Speak the sentence out loud again, and quickly write down another reason. Continue this process until you have at least ten responses.
Step Four: Now, carefully look at what you’ve written down.
You might be surprised by what your answers reveal. The next step in the exercise involves scoring your responses on a scale of one to ten. The answers that have a strong feeling attached to them should be scored between six and ten, with the higher rating going to those answers that have the stronger emotion. The
answers that don’t have a strong feeling attached to them should be marked between one and five.
As you finish scoring your answers, you want to look for those that have the highest mark, ones that you feel most strongly about, even if you can’t explain why. Those answers that are scored between seven and ten are most likely the self-limiting beliefs that are currently holding you back from your goals.
The next step you’ll want to take is creating a list of opposites for your top four scored answers. Take as much time as you need to come up with reasons to counteract those beliefs with the highest emotional charge. Write down as many opposite ideas as you can for the four beliefs. This will help to loosen the grip that these self-limiting beliefs have over you.
After you’ve determined the counteracting beliefs on your list, you again want to score them based on their emotional charge. Eliminate those that have the lowest score, until you have a single empowering belief to counteract each of your four limiting beliefs.
The final step you need to take in this exercise is creating affirmations for a successful mindset. You will use your final list to create the affirmations that will help you reprogram your subconscious mind and overcome the beliefs that have been keeping you from living the life you want.
When you write down your affirmation, you need to remember they have to be written in present tense and they need to be personal, positive, and specific.
The only way you can change your life and take a giant leap in achieving your goals is by reprogramming your life for success. Completing this exercise has the power to transform your life completely.
Bringing it all Together
Through the course of this book, you’ve learned about a powerful tool for achieving your life’s most significant goals. You have been provided with a simple and effective formula that cannot fail to bring you what you truly want from your life when you put the lessons you learned into practice.
One of the most significant failings of human beings is learning something that can transform your life, but never using the information you’ve learned to change your life. When you take action on what you’ve learned, you will never be the same again.
Throughout this book, you learned seven steps to take today to start you on the path to achieving all your life’s most significant goals faster and easier than you ever thought possible. You learned that goals can create significant transformations in your life and that without them you will end up drifting through life and never achieving anything substantial.
As you read through this book, you will hopefully become more aware of how your mind operates and will have started seeing how you have been holding yourself back from success in numerous ways.
Completing the exercise to uncover your limiting beliefs in chapter nine, will show the extent to which you have sabotaging your own goals. Becoming aware of your self-limiting beliefs and overcoming them is one of the most powerful things you can accomplish during your lifetime because it has the power to completely transform every area of your life and empower you like never before.
When you are able to sweep the slate clean and start fresh without impediments blocking your way, you will discover that those difficulties you had before are a lot easier to master, allowing you the ability to achieve whatever you want to move forward from today.
When you begin to stretch your life beyond your comfort zone and start experiencing new challenges, you will start to become more engaged with your life. When you push yourself toward a happier and brighter future, your heart will light up and imbue your soul with energy and vitality. Leaving you feeling more alive.
Some of the other things you’ve discovered in the pages of this book are:
Your subconscious mind is in control of every area of your life and can be programmed for success using powerful mind programming tools.
Your dominant thoughts, emotions, beliefs, actions, and reactions are what create your life’s circumstances, and by changing these aspects of your life, you can attract new experiences into your life and more easily achieve your goals.
Your beliefs have the power to either hold you back from achieving your goals or propel you forward to achieve your goals quicker.
It is easy to uncover your self-limiting beliefs and overcome them.
You can use high-performance techniques to speed up your progress, gain more energy and freedom, and reduce your stress.
Time is your most valuable possession, and when you manage it wisely, you can achieve more in a single day.
Do’s and Don’ts
As you begin your journey toward achieving your goals and reaching new heights in your life, there are several essential steps that you must start right away, as well as several things you need to avoid.
Do get started immediately
Do read through all the steps several times
Do complete the exercises in the book
Do use your Daily Success Planner every day
Do reprogram your mind
Don’t procrastinate
Don’t set big short-term goals
Don’t get discouraged with temporary setbacks
Don’t listen to your negative inner voice
Don’t allow anyone to influence you negatively
Don’t berate yourself
Don’t ever give up
It’s Time for you to Make a Decision
As you progress on your journey, it is important to remember that your current circumstances do not define who you are, who you become, or what you achieve in your life. You have everything within you right now to be deeply happy and wildly successful for the rest of your life.
It is time for you to make a choice, you can either continue to do what you have always done, drifting through life and never accomplishing anything substantial, or you can take action today and follow the steps you’ve learned in this book. You simply need to take the first step. Before you realize it, you will be farther along than you ever thought possible and amazed at how much you’ve achieved.
This simple seven-step process will help you become empowered, happy, and successful setting you up to achieve your goals faster. You should now have all the necessary motivation and inspiration to overcome any challenges you may face and any shortcomings that may arrive during your journey to dominating your year.
Setting clear and concise goals is one of the best decisions you’ll ever make. By following the steps listed in this book you’ve decided to take full responsibility for your life and begin to create the life you truly deserve. When you follow the methods featured in this book you’ll achieve all the goals that really matter to you and overcome the challenges you’ll encounter on the road to attaining them.
Use this book often to encourage and motivate you to achieve your goals.
Follow the steps and advice to set SMART goals, overcome your self-limiting beliefs, reprogram your mind, create highly charged goals and become a high performer.
Use your goals as a source of inspiration and allow them to take you as far as you wish to go in your life.
While you will likely encounter failure throughout your journey, it is important to remain persistent and not let these temporary setbacks keep you from achieving your life’s most significant goals. It is possible for every person to achieve success.
It just takes consistent actions and motivation to achieve your goals.